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3 Manfaat kesehatan diet mediterranean

Diet mediterranean identik dengan konsumsi banyak buah dan sayur yang kaya akan berbagai vitamin serta mineral yang dibutuhkan tubuh. Selain itu, Diet mediterraneani juga sering menganjurkan konsumsi minyak zaitun sebagai asupan lemak baik yang menangkal kolesterol.
Selain menurunkan berat badan, rupanya diet mediterranean memberi manfaat kesehatan lain pada tubuh. Apa saja? Simak selengkapnya seperti yang dilansir dari Care2 berikut ini.
Tubuh lansia lebih bugarSebuah penelitian pada tahun 2012 dari Italia menyebutkan kalau diet mediterranean yang dilakukan lansia punya manfaat kesehatan yang luar biasa, yaitu menjaga mereka tetap bugar. Gejala berjalan lambat, lemah otot, dan lelah berlebihan pun menurun sebanyak 70 persen.
Melawan penyakit kronisPenelitian lain juga membuktikan kalau menjalani diet mediterranean mampu menjauhkan Anda dari penyakit kronis, seperti jantung, diabetes, kanker, nyeri sendi, masalah dental, sampai Alzheimer. Diet tersebut pun dilaporkan berperan dalam membantu penderita asma mengontrol kondisi yang dialami.
Melindungi otakTerakhir, manfaat kesehatan dari diet mediterranean adalah menjaga kesehatan otak dari risiko penyakit Alzheimer dan gangguan kognitif lainnya. Sebab diet mediterranean mewajibkan konsumsi buah-buahan, sayur, dan gandum, kemudian mengurangi produk susu, lemak jenuh dan gula yang menyehatkan otak dan tubuh secara keseluruhan.
Itulah manfaat kesehatan utama dari diet mediterranean. Berminat menjalani pola makan tersebut?

Lirik Grenade – Bruno Mars

Lirik Grenade – Bruno Mars
Easy come, easy go
That’s just how you live, oh
Take, take, take it all,
But you never give
Should of known you was trouble from the first kiss, Had your eyes wide open -
Why were they open?
Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked, Cause what you don’t understand is
I’d catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I’d do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain, Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby ; But you won’t do the same
No, no, no, no
Black, black, black and blue beat me till I’m numb Tell the devil I said “hey” when you get back to where you’re from
Mad woman, bad woman,
That’s just what you are, yeah,
You’ll smile in my face then rip the breaks out my car
Gave you all I had

And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, yes you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked Cause what you don’t understand is
I’d catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I’d do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain, Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby ; But you won’t do the same
If my body was on fire, ooh You’ d watch me burn down in flames You said you loved me you’re a liar Cause you never, ever, ever did baby…
But darling I’ll still catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I’d do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah) Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain, Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby ; But you won’t do the same.
No, you won’t do the same,
You wouldn’t do the same,
Ooh, you’ll never do the same,
No, no, no, no

Roxette - It Must Have Been Love lyrics

Roxette - It Must Have Been Love lyrics. 
Lay a whisper on my pillow
Leave the winter on the ground
I wake up lonely, is there a silence
In the bedroom and all around

Touch me now, I close my eyes
And dream away...

It must have been love, but it's over now
It must have been good, but I lost it somehow
It must have been love, but it's over now
From the moment we touched till the time had run out

Make believing we're together
That I'm sheltered by your heart
But in and outside I turn to water
Like a teardrop in your palm

And it's a hard winter's day
I dream away...

It must have been love, but it's over now
It was all that I wanted, now I'm living without
It must have been love, but it's over now
It's where the water flows, it's where the wind blows

It must have been love, but it's over now
It must have been good, but I lost it somehow
It must have been love, but it's over now
From the moment we touched till the time had run out
Roxette - It Must Have Been Love lyrics.